Sunday, July 28, 2013

What I Hope To Get From Wireless Field Day 5

Being selected as a delegate to a Tech Field Day is a bit like winning a Golden Ticket to Wonkaland for us tech types (instead of chocolate, there is a lot of wireless fodder to enjoy). I'm pleased as can be to be going back for my second Wireless Field Day event, having attended WFD4 and soon, WFD5.

Given the Silicon Valley's prominence in the IT world, a trip there is something akin to a pilgrimage for those of us too far away (by both distance and circumstance) to get there very often. And that touches on my first goal for Wireless Field Day 5: simply being immersed in the tech-rich backdrop of the San Jose area. I'm not a tremendously spiritual person, but there is a powerful vibe afoot just under the surface "out there", and it bubbles up time and again throughout the few magic days that are Field Day.

The corny stuff aside, here's some of what what I hope to get out of my time at WFD5:

  • Reconnecting with organizer Stephen Foskett and my fellow delegates. Most of the group was at WFD4, but there will be three new-to-me faces among the delegates, as well as Stephen's expanded staff. These folks are sharp, down to earth, a pleasure to do the event with, and extremely deep in wireless networking knowledge. This alone makes the trip worth it.

  • In general, I'm looking forward to all of the companies that are presenting to give us a glimpse behind the curtain at what they are about to release, what they are thinking on a number of fronts, and what they want to know from us, the delegates. Expected hot topics: 802.11ac, analytics of various sorts, new tools and optimization methods.

  • Speaking of tools and optimization, 7Signal is sure to be a delegate favorite. I'm guessing we've all seen at least snippets of their case studies and what they recommend to make good WLANs even better. I hope to hear clarity on this topic, and to get a sense of whether 7Signal gear is more affordable than it seems and to hear about optimization tweaks that are real-world applicable.

  • With Meru Networks in the lineup, I'm guessing I'm not the only delegate hoping to walk away with a better understanding of their "secret sauce" for single-channel virtual cells, and whether there is more than just bluster to their occasional hubris (as I've covered in my Network Computing column). To a certain degree, the same goal applies to Xirrus- I've covered them a number of times but never quite got totally comfortable with the array thing. But I keep an open mind...

  • For Aerohive Networks, I'm both looking forward to updates and just as much to meeting the likes of Andrew von Nagy (perhaps the most approachable and willing-to-share senior tech guy from any vendor) and his homies. Aerohive just seems to have a different culture, and it'll be nice to spend time in it for a couple of hours. (my latest Network Computing piece on Aerohive is here).

  • AirTight Networks will be interesting because they are "new", at least as a wireless access player, in a very competitive market. I have a Network Computing piece on AirTight now running, and also recommend this piece by Man-of-Action and  fellow Field Day Vet Matthew Norwood.  Hearing their story in person will be pretty neat.

  • MetaGeek, WildPackets, and FlukeNetworks are all fairly significant players in my wireless world for tools. I've been a MetGeek fan from the days of the original WiSpy, and also frequently use EyePA and InSSIDer for Office (best blog on this one from another fellow delegate, Sam Clements). I'm looking forward to hearing any new announcements from the tools folks (gotta be something in this mix about 11ac) and maybe picking up a tip or two about how to better use the products I already have.

  • Finally, Motorola always stokes my interest because they usually have a somewhat unique story and understated approach versus the "aggressive" marketing of other industry players. I'm a fan of many Moto business units (as a radio and Android guy, that's a given), and caught up with the WLAN folks at Interop in Vegas just a couple of months ago to hear their opening 11ac story. I gotta feeling they'll have something new for us.

It'll be a busy week at Wireless Field Day, and my eyes and ears will be open. Standby for updates.


  1. Hey Lee, I too am excited to hear about AirTight's story. I am Scott from 7signal and can't be more excited to attend WFD5 and learn more about all the presenters and what is new in the wireless space.

  2. I look forward to your reports, thoughts and insights from WFD5. You have a knack for non-objective feedback.

  3. Thanks Lee! This answers some of my questions I had about the vendor presentations at the WFD event.

  4. Hi Dale- make sure you watch some of the videos that Stephen has recorded from past sessions- you'll get a good feel for the presentations.

  5. […] What I Hope To Get From Wireless Field Day 5 […]

  6. […] What I Hope To Get From Wireless Field Day 5 by Lee H Badman @WiredNot […]

  7. […] of my fellow WFD5 delegates wrote a great blog post last week about the upcoming Wireless Field Day event and what to aspect from such an event. The […]

  8. […] of my fellow WFD5 delegates wrote a great blog post last week about the upcoming Wireless Field Day event and what to aspect from such an event. The […]
